About Us

Over 300 million consumers are over-indebted in emerging markets - we are helping over 750,000 of them to B(e)FREE of debt, because it sucks to be in debt.

BFREE was founded in 2020 by digital lending executives that were deeply unsatisfied with existing credit collection infrastructure in emerging markets. Backed by leading African Venture Capital funds we are now reinventing credit collection step by step to make the process more efficient, scalable, and user friendly while giving customers back control over their financial health. 95% of customers in debt rate their experience with BFREE at 'Good' or 'Excellent' - that's crazy good...

We currently have operations in Nigeria and Kenya, but are aggressively working on going global!

Come and join us - we are fun! :-)


Our Job Openings

We have no job openings at the moment!